
工具機 #節能標章 評鑑頒獎典禮暨跨產業應用製程需求交流會

工具機 #節能標章 評鑑頒獎典禮暨跨產業應用製程需求交流會


????#徠通 AZ-600 線切割放電加工機 榮獲第1屆工具機 #銀質節能標章 ????
今天很榮幸參與由 TMBA 工具機暨零組件公會 主辦工具機節能標章頒獎典禮,與眾多業界先進企業一起分享學習????‍????
交流中,我們深感收穫滿滿,不僅了解更多產業發展趨勢,還能與其他企業共同 #推動節能減碳,為地球環境更好,為產業升級轉型貢獻一份力量????
感謝 TMBA 工具機暨零組件公會 精心安排的活動,期待未來持續與業界會員共同成長,創造更多合作機會????

???????? Machine Tool Energy-Saving Label Awards & Cross-Industry Exchange Conference ???? #Accutex AZ-600 Wire-Cut EDM Machine awarded the Silver Energy-Saving Label at the 1st Tool Machine Energy-Saving Label Evaluation! ????
We were honored to participate in this event, hosted by #TMBA, alongside leading companies in the industry to share insights and experiences.
A big thank you to the organizers for promoting initiatives like thematic plans and government-supported industrial transformation programs, creating new opportunities for the machine tool sector to enhance domestic and international sales performance.
This exchange provided valuable insights into industry trends and strengthened collaboration among companies to jointly promote energy-saving and carbon reduction, contributing to a sustainable future and industrial transformation????.
Thank you, TMBA, for organizing this event. We look forward to continued growth and cooperation within the industry????!