感謝工商時報的報導,徠通創新研發 AZ-600 線切割放電加工機,榮獲本屆「經濟部中小企業創新研究獎」的肯定
感謝工商時報的報導,徠通創新研發 AZ-600 線切割放電加工機,榮獲本屆「經濟部中小企業創新研究獎」的肯定

徠通創新研發的 AZ-600 線切割放電加工機,榮獲本屆「經濟部中小企業創新研究獎」的肯定

,自動移除模板廢料,實現 24 小時 #無人化加工 生產線,提升生產效率!

Accutex's innovative AZ-600 Wire-Cut EDM Machine has been honored with the "Ministry of Economic Affairs SME Innovation Research Award"! 

- Enhanced machine precision and processing stability.
- Integrated CPU computing power, advancing industrial IoT and unmanned processing efficiency

- Magnetic integration in the water jet cover
, enabling automatic removal of template waste.

- Achieves 24-hour unmanned production lines, significantly boosting production efficiency!

- Improved processing efficiency, reducing excess discharge energy for higher performance.
- Equipped with high-efficiency electromechanical systems meeting EU IE3 energy standards.
- Built-in energy-saving mode
to prevent unnecessary energy consumption during standby, delivering real energy savings and carbon reduction!

At Accutex, sustainability and innovation remain at the heart of everything we do, continuously creating greater value for our customers.
Thank-you to 工商時報 for featuring our efforts and achievements!